If you’ve ever taken a long road trip or worked the night shift, you know how difficult it can be to stay awake while driving. Drowsy driving is something that affects all of us. Not getting enough sleep, taking certain medications, working long shifts and medical issues are all factors that can lead to falling asleep behind the wheel.
It is reported that an estimated 600+ fatal car accidents occur every year that can be attributed to drowsy driving. Driving safely is a responsibility that belongs to all of us and that includes taking the necessary precautions to prevent falling asleep while driving.
If drowsy driving is something that you’ve struggled with before and would like to know more about how to prevent it, keep reading to learn more. In this article, we’re going to share with you 21 tips for drowsy driving prevention and how you can keep yourself awake while driving.

How to Stay Awake Behind the Wheel
#1 Get Plenty of Rest
Getting plenty of sleep is crucial for staying awake and alert. By giving your body the rest it needs you’ll be more alert and focused while driving. If you’re planning on going for a long drive or a road trip, its best if can plan to do so after a good night of sleep. This will help ensure that you have enough energy to remain awake and prevent drowsy driving.
#2 Drink Something Caffeinated
Drinking a cup of coffee, tea, or other caffeine infused beverage is a great way to keep you awake and alert while on the road. However, its best to avoid drinks that are loaded down with sugar. Once the sugar-high wears off you’ll feel more drowsy than you did before. Whip up a pot of your favorite brew before leaving home or stop by your local Starbucks whenever you begin to feel drowsy.
If coffee and tea isn’t your thing but you need that caffeine boost that comes along with it check out Grinds Coffee Pouches. They’re basically flavored coffee grinds in a pouch that deliver the same caffeine content as 1/4 cup of coffee. This is a great way to give yourself that little boost you need to keep yourself focused and alert.
#3 Don’t Drive Solo
Some drivers get nervous about driving long distances by themselves. Whenever its possible, its best to take a friend along for the ride. Having someone to chat with is a great way to stay engaged and alert. Another benefit to this is that you can take turns driving if you get too sleepy.
#4 Chew Bubble Gum
A great way to stay awake is to just keep your mouth moving. One of the best and least expensive ways to do this is with gum. Just make sure that the gum you buy isn’t loaded down with sugar. If you’re trying to stay awake dealing with a sugar crash isn’t going to help.
If you want a chewing gum that’s specifically made to help boost energy and focus, check out the NeuroGum Nootropic Energy Gum available on Amazon. Its made with green tea caffeine for clean and balanced energy as well as L-theanine, Vitamin B6 and B12 for enhanced cognition, focus, and alertness.
#5 Turn up the Radio
Listening to anything that’s over 90 decibels is sure to get your attention and help keep you awake. However, this comes with a catch. Listening to loud music can also damage your hearing so be sure to use this tip sparingly.
#6 Take Your Vitamins
This may sound like a strange tip for staying awake while driving but certain vitamins and supplements are great for increasing your energy. B vitamins are great for increasing energy as well as other once-daily vitamins such as the Solaray High Energy Multivitamin available on Amazon.
If you’re looking for an organic option, check out this B-12 Extra Strength Vitamin Spray by MaryRuth Organics also available on Amazon.
#7 Roll Down Your Windows
Rolling your windows down is a quick way to blast your body with fresh air and make you more alert. This won’t work long-term though. Eventually your body will get used to it and it will lose it’s effect. Use this when you need a quick fix prior to pulling over and taking a break from driving.
#8 Break Frequently
Sitting in one position for too long can make you feel drowsy and can lead to fatigue. If you’re driving long distance its best to stop and take a break every two hours. Moving around, stretching your legs, and just getting out of the car for a few minutes will help you feel refreshed and more alert.
#9 Keep Yourself Hydrated
Drinking plenty of water can sound counter intuitive for long road trips but a lack of water can lead to dehydration. Dehydration quickly results in being tired and sleepy, both of which we’re trying to avoid. Plus, stopping to use the bathroom will give you the opportunity to get out and stretch your legs for a bit and refresh yourself.
#10 Avoid Medications That Can Make You Sleepy
If you’re looking to prevent drowsy driving, its best if you avoid taking any medicines that can cause sleepiness or drowsiness. With OTC medications you can typically find an alternative that doesn’t have these side effects. However, with prescription medications this can be a bit more challenging. Make sure you know how your medication effects you prior to driving.
#11 Listen to Upbeat Music
Sometimes a change in musical tempo is all you need to wake yourself up. Listening to classical piano may be nice on some occasions but not so much when you’re driving for long periods of time and staying awake is a top priority. Change it up a bit and listen to something a bit more fast paced. You’d be surprised how well this can work!
#12 Do Something to Annoy Yourself
I know this one sounds weird but its effective. Find a way to tickle yourself or try smacking your leg occasionally (not too hard). This is great if you have passengers and you don’t tell them what you’re doing before hand!
Another option is to get a spray bottle and mist yourself in the face from time to time when you feel yourself starting to get groggy. The cool mist on your face is typically enough to wake you up, at least temporarily.
#13 Take a Nap
Taking a quick 15-30 minute power nap is a great way to recharge. If you can, its best to find a public place such as a rest stop or a grocery store parking lot instead of pulling off on the side of the road. Parking on the side of the road can be dangerous and should be avoided if possible.
#14 Plan Your Drive Wisely
If you’re planning a long road trip, its best to avoid driving between the hours of 12:00-6:00 A.M. During these hours is when most drivers experience the most amount of drowsiness and or fatigue. Other studies have shown that drivers are 20 times more likely to fall asleep behind the wheel at 6:00 A.M than at 10:00 A.M.
#15 Sit With Correct Posture
Sitting with proper posture while driving is a super easy way to help keep yourself alert. By sitting with your back upright, shoulders back and head straight, you can keep yourself from falling into a more comfortable position which could lead sleepiness.
#16 Never Drink Alcohol Before or While Driving
While this one pretty much goes without saying, drinking alcohol while operating a vehicle is never a good idea. Alcohol impairs your ability to drive and worsens tiredness and sleepiness. Never drink and drive. It’s not only against the law, it could lead you falling asleep behind the wheel and seriously injuring yourself and others or worse.
#17 Listen to an Interesting E-book or Podcast
A great way to stay alert and engaged is to listen to something that you’re interested in. Podcast’s and e-books are great affordable (sometimes free) ways to tune into something that will keep your attention for hours. Find something that you would like to learn more about and listen to it while driving.
#18 Munch on a Healthy Snack
For a quick pick-me-up while on the road, take your favorite snack with you. Nibbling on sunflower seeds and/or other healthy nuts and snacks is a great way to keep yourself alert and awake while driving. Just make sure to keep your portion sizes to around 100 calories at a time if possible.
If you cant decide on just one, a portable snack container like this one on Amazon is a great way to take a variety of snacks with you. It has 4 different size containers and a convenient carrying handle to make transportation super easy.
#19 Eat a Healthy Meal Prior to Leaving
Food is what gives our body the energy we need to do everything that we do. Before you head out for a long road trip, its important that you eat a healthy meal that will give you the nutrition you need to keep your energy levels up and keep you alert.
Avoid fast food or anything that’s high in sugar or processed carbs. Opt instead for foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates and protein such as whole grains, turkey and chicken.
#20 Use a Driver Alertness Device
There are devices available that are designed to help you stay awake while driving. Most of them work by sounding an alarm when they detect that you’re nodding off.
One such device is the Alertme Lifesaver Alert. This device prevents you from falling asleep while driving by sounding an alarm when it senses your head nod forward as though you dozed off. In the event that you dose off behind the wheel, a device like this can be a real life saver.
The Alertme Lifesaver Alert fits securely behind your ear. When it detects that your head has dropped forward 15-20 degrees, the 90 decibel alarm will sound and wake you up. This alarm is equivalent to a police siren. Its also battery operated and lasts for roughly 30,000 nods although they recommend you change the batteries every six months.
#21 Download a Drowsy Driving Prevention App
Does it really come as a surprise that there are apps available to help keep you awake while driving? Apps such as Anti Drowse or Drive Awake are designed specifically to help keep you awake while driving. Some of these apps will sound an alarm at certain preset time intervals to help keep you awake. Others use the phones camera to detect when your eyes begin to shut and then sound an alarm.
For the eye detection apps to work, they have to have a clear line of sight to your eyes. By mounting your phone level with your eyes you give the app its best chance of performing when you need it to. Using a good dash or windshield phone mount is crucial to making sure the app works properly by being set up where it can get a clear view of your eyes.
Signs of Sleepiness and Fatigue While Driving
Its never a good idea to think that you can fight sleepiness and fatigue for too long. Falling asleep behind the wheel is a real danger and shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you experience any of the signs mentioned below its best to pull over and resume driving later after you’ve taken a nap and refreshed yourself.
Never drive or continue to drive if you experience any of these symptoms:
- Can’t recall the last few miles you drove
- You experience wandering or disconnected thoughts
- You cant focus or have trouble keeping your eyes open
- Notice your head falling forward
- Catch yourself drifting from your lane or hitting rumble strips
- Repeatedly yawning
- Feelings of restlessness and irritability
- Rubbing your eyes continuously
If you begin to notice any of these symptoms, its best to pull over immediately into a well lit, public area and rest until you feel comfortable to drive again. Don’t take any chances!